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Відкрито доступ до модулю «Оцінка якості викладання кредитних модулів»

Already traditionally, before the semester control, the module of students’ examination in the AIS “Electronic Campus” is introduced to the scientific and pedagogical practitioners for the duration of the semester.

In the past semester, perhaps 8,000 students graduated from the internship . On this year’s eve, they gave already 3060 !
Trivatime trial until 01/15/21!

This experiment is carried out with the method of improving the quality of the educational process at the university and is protected by the formation of ratings in scientific and pedagogical practitioners, and your input is allowed to take important information to improve the effectiveness of the university. Evaluation of vikladachiv zdіysnyuєtsya for advancing criteria:

• vimoglivost vikladach,

• vminnya to convey the material to the students,

• vminnya to earn partnerships with a student ,

• global culture and tact in terms of promotion to students ,

• Winning zabіv remote splkuvannya .

For reasons for an incorrect list of subjects, or if the list of candidates is missing, contact the dean ‘s office . You can ask for the power of the robot and the evaluation system at the chat of KB IC . Three more meals here . Success!

The USI is subject to confidentiality , the results of the assessment will be available to the applicant and head of the department only in the form of an average assessment.<
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